National Cord Blood Awareness Month The goal of Cord Blood Awareness Month is to raise awareness of the medical value of newborn stem cells from umbilical cord blood, which have been used successfully for more than 20 years with demonstrated safety and efficacy to treat more than 80 diseases. By providing balanced information on the cord blood options of public donation, family storage, or discarding, the Parent’s Guide to Cord Blood Foundation strives to empower individuals to make an informed choice regarding their families’ future health. For more information, contact:
Dr. Frances Verter | Parent’s Guide to Cord Blood Foundation | info@parentsguidecordblood.org | http://parentsguidecordblood.org
National Fireworks Safety Month Activities during this period will alert parents and children to the dangers of playing with fireworks. Prevent Blindness America will offer safer ways to celebrate the Fourth of July. For more information, contact:
Prevent Blindness America | phone: 800.331.2020 | info@preventblindness.org | www.preventblindness.org
National Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month Juvenile arthritis affects nearly 300,000 children in the US. Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month spotlights juvenile arthritis in an effort to educate the public about the seriousness of arthritis in kids and its impact on the lives of children, teens, and families. For more information, contact:
Public Relations | Arthritis Foundation | phone: 404.965.7595 | help@arthritis.org | www.arthritis.org
July 28 World Hepatitis Day World Hepatitis Day is observed on July 28 every year to raise awareness of hepatitis and encourage prevention and treatment. For more information, contact:
Communications Department | American Liver Foundation | phone: 212.668.1000 | drohde@liverfoundation.org | www.liverfoundation.org