National Aphasia Awareness Month Aphasia is an acquired communication disorder that impairs a person’s ability to process language but does not affect intelligence. Aphasia impairs the ability to speak and understand others, and most people with aphasia experience difficulty reading and writing. National Aphasia Awareness Month seeks to raise awareness of this common but little-known disorder. For more information, contact:
National Aphasia Association |phone: 800.922.4622 | naa@aphasia.org | www.aphasia.org
National Cataract Awareness Month Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness in the world. There are close to 22.3 million Americans age 40 and older with cataracts. More than half of all Americans will have cataracts by age 80. Prevent Blindness America will offer tips about prevention and information about surgery. For more information, contact:
Prevent Blindness America | phone: 800.331.2020 | info@preventblindness.org | www.preventblindness.org
National Hernia Awareness Month Each year, approximately 750,000 Americans seek treatment for a hernia, yet physician experts believe that hundreds of thousands more choose to suffer in silence primarily because they fear surgery. National Hernia Awareness Month focuses on raising public awareness of the latest available hernia treatments. For more information, contact:
Hernia Resource Center | phone: 1.800.HERNIAS (800.437.6427) | info@herniainfo.com | www.herniainfo.com
National Men’s Health Month Anchored by National Men’s Health Week (June 10-16), a special awareness period passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton on May 31, 1994, Men’s Health Month is celebrated across the country with screenings, health fairs, media appearances, and other health education and outreach activities. For more information, contact:
Men’s Health Network |phone: 202.543.6461, ext. 101 | mhw@menshealthweek.org | www.menshealthmonth.org
National Migraine Awareness Month Each year, the National Headache Foundation (NHF) sponsors National Migraine Awareness Month to educate people about headache causes, impact, and help. The NHF is a source of help to sufferers’ families, physicians who treat headache sufferers, allied healthcare professionals, and the public. The leaders of the organization are world-renowned experts in the field who have compiled many easy-to-use tools and resources to help people better understand headaches and options for headache care. For more information, contact:
Seymour Diamond, MD, Executive Chairman | NHF | phone: 888.643.5552 | nhf1970@headaches.org | www.headaches.org
National Scleroderma Awareness Month For more than 20 years, the Scleroderma Foundation, its chapters, and support groups have recognized June as Scleroderma Awareness Month, marking it with annual awareness and fundraising events, as well as obtaining presidential, state, and local proclamations. The Scleroderma Foundation has joined the Federation of European Scleroderma Associations and other international scleroderma organizations in recognizing June 29 as World Scleroderma Awareness Day. For more information, contact:
Scleroderma Foundation | phone: 800.722.4673 | sfinfo@scleroderma.org | www.scleroderma.org
June 2 National Cancer Survivors Day National Cancer Survivors Day (NCSD) is a treasured annual, worldwide celebration of life that is held in hundreds of communities. Participants unite in a symbolic event to show the world that life after a cancer diagnosis can be meaningful and productive. In most areas, NCSD is traditionally observed on the first Sunday in June, although this is not always possible because of scheduling conflicts and time differences. In 2013, NCSD is celebrating its 26th year. For more information, contact:
National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation | phone: 615.794.3006 | info@ncsd.org | http://ncsd.org
June 2-8 National Community Health Improvement Week
The Association for Community Health Improvement (ACHI) established Community Health Improvement Week to highlight and celebrate the contributions of those working in community health, community benefit, and healthy communities. These professionals work tirelessly and collaboratively across sectors (hospitals, health centers, public health, community organizations, and more) to improve health with effective programs and practices that prevent illness, manage chronic disease, expand access to care, and create the conditions in which people can live healthy lives. For more information, contact:
ACHI | phone: 312.422.2193 | communityhlth@aha.org | www.communityhlth.org/chiweek
June 2-8 National Sun Safety Week
Block the sun, not the fun! Sun exposure leads to many health concerns, including aging and potentially cancer, yet only about 20% of Americans use sunscreen daily. This week, in the prime of summer, is dedicated to informing and encouraging people to take control of their health. Teach a child, grab a hat, and lather up with SPF 30+ and enjoy the great outdoors! For more information, contact:
Skylar Zwick | Entertainment Industries Council, Inc. | phone: 703 481.1414 | szwick@eiconline.org | www.sunsafetyalliance.org
June 23-29 National Helen Keller Deaf-Blind Awareness Week
Helen Keller Deaf-Blind Awareness Week celebrates the diversity and accomplishments of the Deaf-Blind community and reminds the public that people who are deaf-blind can overcome and conquer challenges with the right information, resources, and services. The Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults in Sands Point, New York, can assist people who are deaf-blind, their families, and service providers. For more information, contact:
Information Services | Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults | phone: 516.944.8900 | hkncinfo@hknc.org | www.hknc.org
June 27 National HIV Testing Day
On June 27, each year the National Association of People With AIDS (NAPWA), in partnership with other national and local entities across the country, organizes National HIV Testing Day. This unique initiative sends the message to those at risk and those living with HIV that there are powerful reasons for learning one’s HIV status. NAPWA believes that voluntary HIV testing and counseling is a critical first step in taking control and responsibility over one’s health, hence the message: “Take the Test, Take Control.” For more information, contact:
NAPWA | phone: 240.247.1015 | sbailous@napwa.org | www.napwa.org
June 28 National Dental Awareness Day Consumers are invited to visit www.knowyourteeth.com, the Academy of General Dentistry’s (AGD) consumer Web portal, to learn more about proper oral healthcare for themselves and their families. On the site, they can find an AGD dentist, ask a dental question 24/7 on the “Patient Advisor” forum and receive a response from an AGD member volunteer, or read helpful articles on many oral health topics. For more information, contact:
Public Relations Department | AGD | phone: 888.243.7392, ext. 4346 | media@agd.org | www.agd.org